We care about the growth of your company, that is why this tool is important because it will be helpful for the consultant to have the vision of how to help you and how to prescribe depending on the needs of your business.
Playlists, what's that?
To make it easier for you to find the documents that are most relevant to you, we have enabled the function to create lists so that you can access them more easily and quicklyof your products
Documents do not open
The document function automatically downloads the document to your computer. Check your recent downloads and that is where your document should already be hosted.
About free trials
Once you create your account, you have a 7 day free trial, if you invite a friend you get 14 days more!
How do I select a consultant?
You will have to go to the consultants section and choose the credential of the consultant you are looking for. when it opens select send message, then they will send you a message accepting your request.
Where can I see which consultants are available?
You'll have to go to the home page and at the top of the categories click after CEO where the consultants are located.
How can I be a consultor?
To apply as a consultant you will have to go to the home page before entering your session, where you will find the consultant login. after that we will ask you a few questions to establish the consultant category in which we can add you. Once accepted you will receive your consultant instructions. See you inside!
How do I make passive income as a consultant?
After you uploaded your content you can start working with a business owner and start generating passive income.
My marketing plans
What is the difference between marketing plans?
The difference consists of the services included in each package. the lowest cost package covers the basics and so the services and costs of the package increase.
How do payments work?
The payment is made monthly through the platform. The moment you need to cancel your package you can do it from the website or by contacting contact@theharmonious.com
How can I contact an advisor?
Send an email explaining your problem to contact@theharmonious.com with your name and phone number and an advisor will contact as soon as possible.
How can I increase my plan?
You can send an e-mail to your advisor requesting an upgrade.